Klasser / reglemente

Klass 1 Enstånk / one lunger
Leafspring, studded track good brakes and tail light. Free cubic size this year. Good spindels and uniballs, prefer tunnel encloserYear model 1985 and older.

Klass 2 Bladfjädrat/Leaf Spring
Leafspring, Free cubic size this year. Year model 1985 and older. Tunnel enclouser. Rear tailight, studded track, working brake. Good spindels and uniballs.

Klass 3 IFS/SnoPro
Ifs or Tss front suspension. Free cubic size this year. 1985 and older. Tunnel encloser. Rear tailight, studded track, working brake. Good spindels and uniballs.

Test class not included in SnoPro series.
F500, maximum 500 cc. IFS, DSA,TSS , LFS, LVS or other type of front suspension. No year limit but prefer -85-95 models. This is going to be a peoples class so we get more people coming and practice whith us during test and tune...